I have just returned from a pretty buggy week in WY. Melissa's folks, Tony and Linda drove their motorhome down for a week of building fun, and fun we had.
We had the roof on in 3 days, and house wrap and partial windows the next day, finished windows, built walls, and pulled wire to round out the week.
We worked pretty hard but had some fun too.

Melissa Looking goood with my chainsaw, which was used to cut the windows out....

Power tools, aaahhhh, Melissa was a huge help in shearing each of the pieces of metal roofing to length before hauling it onto the roof for me to install

8 in 12 pitch is steep, we definitly had harnesses on!!! This is Tony andf I rolling tar paper on the back half...

Interior walls framed, bedroom on the right, bathroom on the left, and kitchen on the far left.

Tiny ants working on the cabin roof. Hot up there...miserable really