Friday, August 28, 2009

Trying to wrap it up

John Maxwell finally took the advice of the little red hen and came to WY with me to dig the trench into the cabin. Rocky soil and hot weather made it difficult. Finally we were deep enough, dropped in some conduit and pulled wire.

Friday brought on a delivery of insulation, dumped in the driveway in SLC. I loaded it into the trailer, all strapped in, except one little bag. On the curves into Parley's canyon, the un-strapped bag teetered, and tottered, nearly dumped out the side, without brake lights I slid to the side of the road and strapped it down. Slow going with the 34 bags of insulation strapped taller than the Land Cruiser. Got it unloaded into the cabin and hauled upstairs to be stored for a while. On to wiring for the weekend.

Wiring happened, and I was able to get everything going, connecting the wire that John and I put in, connecting outlets to the wire that Melissa and the DeVoe’s pulled. Once it was all done, the panel was wired and it worked. We can actually go in our cabin now and, turn on a light!! Big step.
Lots to do before winter, we would like to get the woodstove going, so that means tiling the floor first, then insulation, but I have to do the plumbing first, then drywall, and siding. Phew, I do have my work cutout for myself. That would put us in pretty good shape for next year.